Why we made this course
DevOps education has always been core to what we do here at webapp.io - making it easier for software developers and product stakeholders to master complex things without too much work. When DevOps first became popular and integral to a the software development lifecycle, it became instantly expensive on the infrastructure side as well as the educational side. DevOps became only accessible to a small portion of the development workforce. We're not an advocate for zero DevOps, since many full stack applications that power great businesses cannot go without integral steps in their workflows. But we are an advocate for easier DevOps, and a greater understanding of what DevOps engineering means.
Partnering with FreeCodeCamp
We're so pleased to have partnered with the great team at FreeCodeCamp.org. After many meetings, phone calls, and over 100+ hours of course development, we've launched our first educational partnership earlier this week to make DevOps concepts more accessible.
Since our course launch earlier this week, the FreeCodeCamp team informed us with excitement that this course is their #1 most popular course in the past 10 courses with over 75,000 views in 4 days.
The ad revenue received on FreeCodeCamp's Youtube helps them launch more wonderful courses as an organization, so we recommend checking out their Youtube channel as well as the original uploaded video below:
Who this is for
For software developers, DevOps practitioners and curious individuals who want to understand the fundamentals of DevOps Engineering with concrete programming examples, diagrams and webapp.io setup tutorials.
How to get started
Our course syllabus with readings
This course often references the MERN (MongoDB, Express JS, React JS, Node JS) technology stack.
Unit 1: Code Review Automation
- Lesson 1: What is DevOps
- Lesson 2: Test driven development
- Lesson 3: Continuous Integration
- Lesson 4: Code coverage
- Lesson 5: Linting
- Lesson 6: Ephemeral environments
Unit 2: Deployment Strategies (Lesson 7-11)
- Lesson 7: Virtual Machines vs containers
- Lesson 8: Rolling deployments
- Lesson 9: Blue green deployments
- Lesson 10: Autoscaling
- Lesson 11: Service discovery
Unit 3: Application Performance Management (Lesson 12-13)
Course support
- Course Reddit Discussion Forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/devopsacademy/
- Have feedback on the course? Email [email protected]
- Tweet at webapp.io here https://twitter.com/runtestsfaster
Free developer tools mentioned
Most of the developer tools and DevOps products we mentioned in the FreeCodeCamp course have free plans or open source options to try.
Free git repository hosting platforms
Free continuous integration platforms
Free ephemeral environment platforms
- Heroku Review Apps: full stack
- webapp.io: full stack
- Netlify: frontend
- Vercel: frontend
Free continuous deployment products
Free code coverage platforms
Free end to end testing platforms
Free linting platforms
- SonarQube: Java, JavaScript, C#, TypeScript, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Scala, Flex, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, XML and VB.NET
- DeepSource: Python, Go, Ruby, JavaScript, Java, Docker, Terraform, SQL, Shell
- ESLint: JavaScript
- TypeScript ESLint: TypeScript
- pylint, flake8: Python
- Google's cpplint: C++
- gofmt: GoLang
- CheckStyle, FindBugs: Java
- RuboCop, Pronto: Ruby
Free cloud hosting platforms
- AWS: full stack
- Microsoft Azure: full stack
- Vercel: frontend
- Netlify: frontend
Free DNS and service discovery resources
Free application monitoring and error tracking software
Free alert management platforms
Free container management platforms
Free rolling deployment services
Free autoscaling technologies
Free log aggregation platforms
Free production metric platforms
- Prometheus, Grafana
- Datadog
- New Relic
- AWS CloudWatch Metrics
- Google Cloud Monitoring
- Azure Monitor Metrics
Paid developer products
Other free developer resources
- Terraform by HashiCorp: https://www.terraform.io/
- Apache HTTP server: http://httpd.apache.org/
- Google's code style guide: https://google.github.io/styleguide
- Free package-lock.json analyzer tool: https://webapp.io/blog/package-json...
- MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express JS, React JS, Node JS
- webapp.io's tech stack: https://stackshare.io/distributed-containers-inc/layerci