webapp.io product update – August 2021

Welcome to the webapp.io product update for August 2021. Here are this month's exciting updates as we continue to prioritize user experiences:
New to webapp.io
- From LayerCI to webapp.io rebrand and here’s why.
- Generally unattainable new pull request Github experience:
- Terminal access
- View website button
- Preview screenshot

- Status page for uptime updates that you can subscribe to alongside twitter @webappiostatus.
- Launched a Contact us page for support and sales inquiries.
Improved user experiences
- Users now have access to easily searchable documentation.

- With this rebrand we have:
- Redesigned the pages for login and sign up.
- Matched colour themes in the app with the landing page.
- Increased staging server timeout to 15 minutes.
- Improved page load speed.
- Sped up logs page by making sure it does not render docs unnecessarily.
- Improved backend for better logs.
- Revamped pr annotation with failing runner logs.
- Improved CI performance by starting postgres & redis first.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed dashboard url making logs uncaptured for skipped instructions.
- Fixed url format and added retry for screenshot.
- Fixed bugs related to webapp.io rename and branding.
- Fixed bug where runs could be "Pending..." when done.