webapp.io Launch Week Day 4: Debug cypress tests directly from your PRs

Adding onto our previous blog post about embedding Docker container statuses right into your pull requests, Day 4 does the same but for Cypress, embedding results via the PR Builder.

We know how long it takes to debug Cypress tests and realize they've failed. That's why we built out an open-source, extensible plugin to view cypress results right in the pull request itself.

Screenshot of the cypress integraiton in the PR builder

With our Cypress integration, viewing test videos and debugging failing specs is only a click away.

Screenshot of the cypress tests, allowing you to view videos and debug in a single click

Most importantly, this plugin is also entirely open source!

Currently, the Pull Request Builder, the Docker Plugin and the Cypress Plugin are only available for GitHub users, but we'll be porting them to our other supported platforms (GitLab and BitBucket) soon.