Q1 is looking strong! webapp.io's February 2021 engineering meetup is now up for on-demand viewing. This is the engineering series where we bring together awesome developers to chat about top of mind topics based on their experiences.
Q1 is looking strong! webapp.io's February 2021 engineering meetup is now up for on-demand viewing. This is the engineering series where we bring together awesome developers to chat about top of mind topics based on their experiences.
Check back every end of month on Linkedin or Twitter for new engineering meetups and if you'd like to come speak, feel free to reach out to partnerships@webapp.io for collaborations.
Watch the full recording on-demand below:
Jump to:
0:28 Topic 1: How has Kubernetes shown up? How is Kubernetes different from Docker?
2:33 Topic 2: New grad/bootcamp graduate/Jr developer - why would you use Kubernetes or Containers in the first place?
5:31 Topic 3: What about teams that just have one web server? How come companies are adopting Kubernetes so early? Famous 1K problem.
9:09 Topic 4: where would you rank learning Kubernetes in comparison to other deployment buzzwords for a junior developer entering the workforce?
26:14 Description of Kubernetes on a high level
28:14 More about KubeSail and Okteto
28:33 Daniel talks about KubeSail
29:48 Ramiro talks about Okteto
31:45 Definition of cloud native
32:10 Audience question: What is Docker Compose? One step back, what is Docker, and what does Docker give you?
40:06 What waypoints along the way would someone hit where they say I need Docker, Docker compose, and then Kubernetes?
About this event: Curious about Kubernetes but don't know where to start? Here's the opportunity to ask questions and learn from industry experts.
Hosted by Colin Chartier: CEO & Co-founder of webapp.io
Guest speaker Daniel Pastusek: Co-founder of Kubesail
Guest speaker Ramiro Berrelleza: CEO & Co-founder of Okteto
Topics covered:
Topic 1: How has Kubernetes shown up? How is Kubernetes different from Docker?
Topic 2: New grad/bootcamp graduate/Jr developer - why would you use Kubernetes
Topic 3: What about teams that just have one web server? How come companies are adopting Kubernetes so early? Famous 1K problem.
Topic 4: where would you rank learning Kubernetes in comparison to other deployment buzzwords for a junior developer entering the workforce?
& more!