Watch the full session below on-demand:
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0:00 Intro
0:06 Agenda
0:23 3 DevOps Engineering Pillars
1:16 Developer Experience (DX) when it comes to pull requests
1:54 Live Demo begins
3:17 Before state: propose a color change to webapp
4:10 Why pull request automation is a gamechanger
5:18 Installing webapp.io on GitHub for the first time
6:45 Writing test cases for Cypress
8:19 Launching base Layerfile for CI
9:25 Layerfile #2 for ephemeral environments that product URL links
10:00 Layerfile #3 for Cypress tests automation
10:39 Layerfile #4 for deployment to production
14:11 Setting up API key in secrets management
17:47 After state: changing color of web app example
18:30 webapp.io Pull request automation completed workflow
21:45 Audience Question: "Can you give tips on seeding database on webapp.io staging environments?"
About this event: Code reviews taking way longer than they should? Come explore modern workflows that can help eliminate bottlenecks.
This live demo walks you through how to use webapp.io effectively to follow code reviews best practices using a full stack livechat example that you can fork here: https://github.com/layer-devops/livechat-example
Technology stack: This repository contains a slack clone made with React, PostgreSQL, Go, and Docker Compose
You'll learn how to:
- Set up the webapp.io app in your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket workflow
- Automatically trigger per pull request preview environments for code reviews with webapp.io preview
- Leverage webapp.io for deploying to production
To learn more:
- Fork the full stack example here: https://github.com/layer-devops/livechat-example
- Read webapp.io docs: https://webapp.io/docs/home/introduction
- Try webapp.io for GitHub, BitBucket or GitLab here: https://webapp.io/login
- Watch other product tutorials: https://webapp.io/tag/product-demo/
- Learn more about DevOps in our Academy posts: https://webapp.io/tag/academy/